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Video Marketing for a landing Page

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

Video "Beyond"

These videos are part of a project that I named The Darkness.

Video 1 is the first performance for this project based on the concept of persona, developed by Carl Gustav Jung. Videos 2 and 3 are based on a dream I had.

The narrative of The Darkness is inspired by three main archetypes I have in my life, which are Mother Mary, Mary Magdalena, and Wild Woman. I am trying to express the pain and the beauty that I have found in my journey by understanding universal archetypes and the influence that they have on my everyday life and how I relate to people. The final goal is to be brave enough to put it out.

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KPIs that will help me monitoring the website.

  • Customer Satisfaction CSAT- for knowing if the customer liked your business enough to recommend it to a friend.

  • Average response time- for establishing the average time that the customer will wait after the first request or touch point.

  • Website traffic- for tracking the amount of people who visit each page.

  • Social Media traffic- for tracking the views, follows, likes, retweets, shares, engagement, and other measurable interactions between audience and the brand or company.

Best practices for using video on the web and video marketing statistics 2023 report.

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